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watercolor on paper, signed

29x38  cm


Isaac Frenel (Frenkel), Painter. b. 1899, Odessa, Russia.

Immigrated 1919. A member of the French School of Artists. Executed stage designs and costumes for Habima and Ohel Theatres. From 1960 lived in Safed, where a museum was opened in his name. Died 1981.


Frenkel's early work, from the 1920s, is characterized by an avant-garde style. He has often created abstract works. In 1934 he abandoned the abstract style and moved to paint under the influence of Expressionist art, especially that of the "School of Paris". His subjects included mainly portraits and landscape descriptions.

Isaac Frenel (Frenkel), watercolor on paper,

מק"ט: 2693-121425
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