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20x27.5 cm

These four lithographs were published by Fisher, Ben & Co. around 1838-1836 as part of the series "Syria, the Holy Land, Asia Minor, etc." This series included various displays from Bartlett's travels, accompanied by descriptive texts by John Karen. 1836-1838


1. “Village of Barouk - Mount Lebanon”

 The engraving by W. H. Capone.

"These villages, inhabited by Druse mountaineers, are situated on one of the wildest positions of Lebanon: the torrent Barouk rushes through the glen beneath loftier summits that rise beyond, at one and two hours' distance. In winter, a cold and storm-beat, in. summer a welcome residence on account of its pure and bracing air. To the monk and the shepherd, Lebanon is the most picturesque region in the world..."


2. “Village of Brumhanna, in Mount Lebanon” 

Engraving by J. Redaway


3. “Der El Kamar, and the Palaces of Beteddein” 

Engraver: T. A. Prior


The lithograph depicts the village of Deir el-Qamar and the palaces of Beiteddine in Lebanon. Deir el-Qamar, which means “Monastery of the Moon, ” is a historic village known for its well-preserved architecture and cultural heritage.


 4. “A Khan, or Inn, on the Damour, Lebanon, Between Beteddein and Beirout” 

Engraver: T. A. Prior

The lithograph depicts a khan (an Inn or Caravanserai) located on the Damour River in Lebanon, between the towns of Beteddein and Beirut. Khans were essential structures in the Middle East, providing rest and shelter for travelers and their animals. 

Lot of 4 lithographs BY W.H. Barlett from his traveling in the Lebanon area. Bar

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