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glued on cardboard

paper size 42x60 cm,




Issachar Ber Ryback, also Riback ( 1897 -1935)  was a Ukrainian-French painter.

He studied at the Art Academy in Kiev, worked in the artistic group of the cultural organization Kultur Lige and was part of the Jewish avant-garde of the 1920s, who tried to combine local qualities and characteristics with a modern, universal message. Among the artists and writers associated with the Jewish avant-garde circle in which Rybak was active are El Lissitzky, Peretz Markish, Boris Aharonson and Marc Chagall. In 1926, after working in Moscow and Berlin, Rivk settled in Paris, where he lived until his death.

Issachar Ber Ryback, Old woman in the grocery store

SKU: 122809
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